Boost Signals Of Your Home Wi-fi

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Hope you all are doing Good.
Today, We will talk about How to boost Signal of your Home WI-FI.

Friends, every day is a new evolution of the internet. We are getting new features. We are connected to the Routers- but sometimes it's also most Frustrating. If your home WiFi showing some problem like Slow Speed, Bad reception, other WiFi issues. Don't worry just read this article. this article will Provide you solution to these mentioned Problems.

1) Update Firmware for Your Router:- Router manufacturers are always tweaking the software to eke out a little more performance Speed. Current Routers have the update Process build Rights into the administration interface, so we have to just hit a firmware upgrade button.
if your router is old, u have to visit the official website of your router for the Download the Firmware.  After the Update your Firmware your will definitely get improvement in performance, better features, Security, and speed.

2) Find the Perfect Place for Your Router:- Friends maybe your router is not good looking but that doesn't mean you are hiding it and putting it in any cabinet or in the covered place. If you really want a good performance by your Router you will need it to put in the open, Free of any walls and Obstructions.make sure that place is in the center of your house, so you have the best coverage possible throughout your home.

3) Get Rid Of interference of other Home Appliances:- Sometimes other Home appliances are interfering with your router's signals and causing the signal to degrade Like cordless Phone, Microwaves etc. there is two solution for this problem-
a) Buy a dual band Router. It will help you with this problem. but you have to also buy the cordless phone on another brand too.
b) If you don't want to buy new Hardware, try to move your router away from interfering appliances.

4) Change the Channel:- Sometimes other routers in your Neighbor's home may interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. To reduce this interference, Modern Routers are coming with multi-channel. So we can switch across different channels and select the channel with minimum interference. Finding the perfect channel in your home use tools like Network Analyzer Lite or WiFi Analyzer.

5) Increase Your Wi-Fi Range:- If the performance of your router is still not good. Try to extend its can use Some DIY Tricks. You can use a beer can or cooking Strainer to extend your Router's Range. These Trick will help you to increase the signal strength.

Try these 5 things on your Router or home WiFi. These Trick will help your router to Boost up Signals.

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