What is Router and How it works ?

What is Router???

Friend, Router is an electronic Device which helps us to join multiple Computer Networks together Via Wired or Wireless Connection.  Routers help to transfer Information (Data Packets) between Computer Networks. A router also chooses the best route for the Data packets so that we receive the information quickly. Router Also analyze the data being sent over the networks, Change it in packets, select the short and best route and send it to over different networks.

Types of Routers:-

There are several types are routers in the market.  Let’s Talk about some Famous Category of Routers
  • Broadband Routers
  • Wireless Routers
  • Core Router & Edge Router
  • Virtual Router

How Routers Work:-

Friends, the ultimate objective of the Router is to deliver the data Packets. Routers transfer the Data Packets along networks by determining the path of the networks.

In technical Language, A router uses the Network Layer Address or IP Address. It contains a routing Table which helps it to select the Route. In simple words, Router Determines which of the several possible paths is the best for a particular Transmission of data between the source and destination. These Dynamic Router Tables are updated using the Routing Protocols.

Let’s make it simpler to understand the working.

Basically, Routers receive the data in the form of packets from the Source Network and pass those packets to other connected networks. If a received data packets contain an address of a node which is not a connected member or belongs to some other network than Router uses its intelligence and identify which of its connected network is the best next relay point for that packets and then pass those to another router. That router checks the Destination address and identifies the best route of the packets and passes it to the destination network.

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